photo credit: Fairy Magic Photos
We have an anthology that is slowly approaching it's production date. I'm shooting for a release date of August 1st, but that date is not yet a definite date.
We still have to choose a title for the anthology. We've had a couple of suggestions so far.
"Once" and "Once Upon a Challenge"
If you have other suggestions for titles, go ahead and suggest them in the comments and, sometime in the next few days, I will create a post listing all of the suggestions for your vote, either here or on Facebook.
Now, on to the cover: I know that we have some super creative members of the challenge, so I am going to leave it to a vote. I can probably convince my husband to create a cover to submit, and a few ChaBooCha members have discussed creating covers to submit. We will have the next three weeks to try and create the perfect anthology covers, the kind of covers that will appeal to people of all ages. E-mail me your covers at Rebecca (at) Fyfe (dot) net and I will create a post here and on Facebook for a vote on the best one.Voting will start on June 27th.
Some ChaBooCha members have submitted line drawings to include inside the anthology, and I am happy to include more. Make sure you sign your drawings, and there will be a page listing contributing artists within the anthology too. Cover artist will be credited separately.
The cover can be an idea that is just generic to fairy tales in general or magic, or it can relate to one or more of the stories that will be included in the anthology. Because, of this, I thought I'd list the topics of the stories which will be in the anthology (in no particular order).
Variations on the classics:
Little Red Riding Hood
Jack and the Beanstalk
The Frog Prince/Princess
Snow White
Puss in Boots
Tom Thumb
Semi-original and completely original fairytales:
a story about a raven girl
a story about cherry trees
a story about a tree and a girl
a story about a little boy and the stars
a story about a little girl and the fairies
a story about a dancing girl elf
a story about the seasons
a story about an ancient turtle and a young blue bird
a story about a girl who outsmarts an ogre
a story about a man becoming a dragon
a story about an adventurous princess who saves a prince
a story about a girl who doesn't fit in and must find her place
a story about an ice-hearted dark fairy queen and a girl who needs her help
a story set in Japan, with a powerful woman and two young lovers
There are more stories than this, but this should cover most of the topics. There are other elements within these stories too, such as pirates, magical scepters, homicidal roaches and some hungry chickens. So dazzle us all with your creative magic and lets see what covers we can come up with! (If you're not sure about what a good book ocver should look like, browse the web or look at books on Amazon. Which book covers appeal to you? Which don't?
Since we don't have a title chosen yet, just put the title, temporarily, as "BOOK TITLE" for now, or wait until after the title has been voted on and chosen.