Thursday 18 September 2014

Inspiration from a ‘when I can' writer - guest post by Kelly McDonald #ChaBooChaLite

So you want to be a writer hey? Me too…

Oh, I mean… I AM a writer. But does that mean you have to write everyday. Well, my mentor says I should. All the how-to books say, of course, and every second reader out there will say DEFINITELY!

But me, I say no! I am a writer. I write very well thank you! I love writing. It’s something I need to do, it is something I love to do, I even have a few things published… but you know what? Sometimes life gets in my way.

I have work, school kids, babies, a new business, an old business, a husband, a house to clean, a life… but you know that  in any case, every chance I get free, you will find me…asleep!

Yep. Snoring! Sometimes at 8 pm, as soon as the big kids asleep. (Hopefully, the little kid is already in dream land.)

But sometimes, maybe every few days, or every other week, I get to write.

I, me, Kelly, steps aside, and my characters come out to play. My fingers whirl across the keyboard. My heart races, as my belly clenches in fear at what dangers lurk ahead for my hero and heroines.

And I do it. I write. And all is well in my world for a day or two, or three, or a week, until I can ride away once more on an adventure in my written work.

And then, there are those nights, when just before you go to sleep, a new character pops up and wakes you up! You just have to write something out before you forget what your new character was telling you.

In the morning, on the back page of the book you were reading, or your hubby’s head, or your pillow case, is scrawled a couple of barely legible lines of what some may call writing.

In a day, or two, or three, maybe a week… you sit before an empty page and try to recreate what that character, now a distant memory, was trying to tell you.

Don’t give up, life had its moments, and yours, (and mine) will come. You are a writer. Write when you can. It will come together in the end. I have faith in you!
Let’s do it together!

Sometimes life gets in the way, but YOU ARE a writer. DO it when you can. Think of it when you cant, join challenges, like ChaBooCha to keep you going and give you deadlines and challenges to meet. But don’t fret. You are a writer. And we are here for you!

Kelly McDonald has been entertaining with stories and magic for more than 15 years as the Magical Faerie Crystall. She is married with two beautiful children and spends as much time on her writing and art as possible. She has been involved in many challenges and groups, including 12x12, Chapter Book Challenge and WOWnonfiction. Kelly has been awarded a first and third in the Australian CYA conference, and has numerous Commended and Highly Commended awards for her writing. Her fantasy art can be found at or and her author page is



If you are signed up for ChaBooCha Lite, comment on this post and you will be entered to win your choice of an inspirational magnet from this section of my shop. (The magnet pictured above is just one example.) Winner will be drawn by a random number generator  and announced on September 30th.


  1. Awww Kelly....what a wonderful post!! YOU ARE A WRITER!!!! What beautiful inspiring words! I like how you described how "real" life gets in the way and it is soooo true. I do the same thing, get distracted easy enough, my thoughts going from this to that and then the other thing lol Yes, we should still be able to call ourselves writers because although we may not be physically sitting at a computer or with a notebook in hand...we are consistently thinking about a character, or setting, etc. to fit into our stories. Thank you for a great post!

  2. Great post Kelly and wonderful inspiration for all of us :) I get tired of being told I have to write every day to be a writer - life does have a habit of getting in the way sometimes.

  3. Life is busy, but sometimes the time away from the keyboard is just as productive as time at the keyboard when it smooths the way for new inspirations and characters.

  4. Thank you for an inspiring post. Reaffirming that writers come in all sizes and writing schedules. Although I try to leave notepads near the bed, my charcters seem to revel in waking me when there isn't a scrap of paper to be found. Cheecky devils.
