
Monday 13 March 2017

Mid-way - posts to help you get through the middle of your story #ChaBooCha

Tomorrow marks the end of our second week and means we will soon be moving into the third week of the challenge. It's often easier for some writers to start their stories and to wrap up their stories than it is to get through the middle of their stories. Well, never fear if you are new to this; previous ChaBooCha posts have you covered.

Listed below are some posts to help you get through this tricky middle ground:

If you have done this challenge before, you have probably already read the above posts, but it never hurts to get a refresher, especially if you are feeling stuck.

I hope you all find yourselves still completely motivated with active muses and no problems heading into your third week of writing.

Happy Writing!



Today's prize is Rory's Story Cubes. If you are a signed-up member of ChaBooCha, all you need to do to be entered into the drawing for this book is comment on this blog post. Winners will be selected from a random number generator on March 31st at noon (GMT).


  1. Becky - Thanks for always pushing us as we read, think, write and revise! I look forward to reading and learning from all these posts as I continue through the next two weeks of ChaBooCha!!

  2. Loved the post on Writers Block vs. Procrastination... I read about myself in that one! (Although maybe I should have been writing instead of reading!)

  3. Thanks for this challenge! And the opportunity to win the Story Cubes!

  4. Thank you for this challenge!

  5. I love the consistent answer to how to become a better writing is...write and read more.

  6. Some more fantastic resources. :) The middle of the challenge is often the hardest time!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for the list of resources, Becky. I love your idea about taking a break from writing, which I usually do puttering around in my garden. I can’t wait for winter to be OVER with! We are expecting 12-18 inches of snow beginning tomorrow and going through Wednesday. Arrrrgh!!

  8. Thank you for your inspirational posts. I love the process.

  9. Thank you for the links. The middle is something I worry about so I'm finding these incredibly helpful! :)

  10. Wonderful resources! Thank you for the links!!

  11. Thanks for the great resources, need to get back to writing now!

  12. thanks for the articles on writing the middle.

  13. Thank you for sharing these amazing links to a wealth of information!!

  14. This post is a great midway milestone for me to use in reflection of my CB WIP. The additional posts provided are also great resources, so thanks for those reminders as well!

  15. I'm skipping around to re-read and comment, and I just read Melissa Stoller's later post. She talks about skipping the middle, and coming back with a stronger idea of how to flesh it out after writing the ending. I've found that a perfect technique to get myself past the middle,too.

  16. Looking forward to catching up after a week of spring break!

  17. This is where I am right now. I started off gang busters, and know where I'm going, but this middle is tough.
