Monday 22 April 2013

Latest news on the Chapter Book Challenge Anthology #ChaBooChaAnth

The Chapter Book Challenge anthology is coming along nicely. There are 21 people signed up to write a story for the anthology and another two who are in the maybe category and might still join us. The deadline for the first drafts is May 1st.  Some of the stories are already being turned in for editing.

I have been playing with ideas for the title and have a few selected for everyone to vote on, but I will get to it in another post. Once we have the title decided, we will begin working on the cover, and I am thinking we might make a competition out of it.

Although this is my first foray into self-publishing an anthology, it is not my first foray into self-publishing. And it is also not my first experience in contributing to a fairytale anthology. I have a flash fiction story in the anthology "Once Upon a Time: A Collection of Unexpected Fairytales."

Just for fun, I thought it would be good to have a prize awarded within the ranks of those of us writing for the ChaBooCha anthology. I've decided on two prizes, one for before the anthology is completed and one for after its completion.

Everyone who signed up to write a story for the challenge, once I get a draft of your story turned in, you'll be added into a drawing. The drawing will be done on May 7th, and the winner will get a print copy of "Once Upon a Time: A Collection of Unexpected Fairytales" sent to them.  There will be a second drawing done once the anthology we are creating is complete, and the winner of it will win a free copy of the Chapter Book Challenge anthology.

I am having fun reading the stories that are already turned in and am looking forward to reading the rest. Happy writing, everyone!


  1. this is so exciting..if i don't win a copy i will want to buy one!

  2. So exciting. I have some editing to do & then will send my stories through. For me, part of the excitement is just seeing my writing in print :)

  3. is it too late to submit? i think i have done the final editing. you will have to tell me how cuz it's a long story..not like the flash fiction piece
