Saturday 31 March 2012

Need Some Extra Days to Write for the Chapter Book Challenge?

Chapter Book Challenge
Technically, today is the last day of the Chapter Book Challenge. By midnight tonight, if you haven't finished your chapter book, you have not succeeded at the challenge. HOWEVER, I am never so strict as that and the whole point of this challenge is to inspire and give members the needed push to finish writing a chapter book. So, I am, for one time only, in honor of the fact that this is the first EVER Chapter Book Challenge, extending the time everyone has to finish their chapter book. I'm giving everyone one more week.

I will still be posting my progress tomorrow to let everyone know if I have finished my chapter book. (I have a lot of writing to do today!) and I will be announcing the winner of last week's prize too.

Within the four weeks of March, I managed to find us four published chapter book authors to guest post, one for every week. I have arranged for four prizes (one for every week) to be won and sent out, and even arranged a prize of a first chapter critique from one of the published authors which was won from week two.

The weekly prizes (and their shipping costs) came out of my own pocket, so I have learned that I need to plan ahead for next year's prizes. Next March, I will try and have some editors and publishers of chapter books guest posting as well. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for the 2013 Chapter Book Challenge, I am happy to hear them. I want this challenge to grow and improve each year that we do it.

There is another prize still to be won (possibly two), but that one has a different criteria from the others so I will announce it tomorrow.

I hope everyone has been enjoying this challenge and has found it helpful in getting them to finish their chapter books, or at least to write more of their chapter books than they otherwise would have.

And one more thing, if you are officially signed up for this year's Chapter Book Challenge and you have a blog of your own, check the right sidebar of this blog and see if your blog is included in the "Chapter Book Challenge members' blogs." If not, then let me know the name and url of your blog in the comments below and I will add yours to the list.
Until tomorrow...


  1. Whew! thanks for the extended time. Being a first time writer, this has been a daunting task. Nevertheless, this has greatly inspired me. I've entered the March Madness Contest, 12 x 12 PB Challenge, and this! I'm excited about all the work that I've done. Had it not been for this, I would not have written one word. This has been such a motivating force for me. I hope you know how grateful we all are for this opportunity and for all of the efforts you put into this event. Thank you, Moonduster! my blog is:

  2. Thanks for the time extension :) It's the start of school holidays, so I'm not working so much, fingers crossed I'll have more writing time!

    You've done an awesome job with prizes and guest posts :)

  3. im gonna try and have it done by midnight your time........ ;) i have about an hour to go! but that is first draft only... then revise

  4. and also, you have done a fantastic job at inspiring, and encouraging. I was so happy to be part of it! thank you!

  5. Thanks for everything. I didn't finish writing my book, but I did manage to get an idea down that I think will make a great novel.
