Wednesday 28 March 2018

Week Four Finished - Only Three Days Left! #ChaBooCha

We've made it through four whole weeks of the Chapter Book Challenge now. Well done if you've continued to participate this far. 

I thought it might be helpful to share some links to previous ChaBooCha posts having to do with writing endings, editing, marketing, critique groups, creating covers, querying, and crowdfunding, as these are things that may come up as you get to the end of your story.

Happily-Ever-Afters: What Makes a Satisfying Chapter Book Ending by Lee Wardlaw

The Light at the End by Joy Corcoran

Critique Groups by Aleesah Darlison

I hope that you have found that the challenge has helped you progress with your story. With just a few days left of the challenge, make sure you keep writing!

Let us know in the comments how you have been doing.



Today's prize is a copy of the book "The Word-Loss Diet" by Rayne Hall. If you are already a signed-up member of the challenge, all you need to do to enter the drawing is to comment on this blog post. The winner will be selected by a random number generator at noon on March 31st and announced within 24 hours of the drawing.


  1. Becky, I appreciate your challenge and all the posts. My ms has evolved over the month.

  2. Thank you so much! Without this challenge, I may not have stared this book at all. Now, I am on the final chapter. It's been an inspiring month!

  3. I have 40 pages left to edit before sending off to my deadline. But i have until the second. Was a great way to spend this chaboocha.
    Thanks again Beck. I look forward to this challenge every year.
    X x kelly mcdonald

  4. Thanks for the links! I finished my chapter book and submitted it, but I’m always working on the next one!

  5. Well, I finished one new draft. Sent off my ChaBooCha book from last year for a professional critique. Overall, I did ok. Could have used this month to more benefit. Hope to plan better next year.

  6. Thank you for the inspiration and for the great posts. My manuscript is moving along and will be ready for revision soon. Without the challenge, it would probably still be lingering in my mind.

  7. I haven't made as much progress as I hoped as life got in the way, but I have made progress, so I'm happy.

  8. I haven't got as far as I would like, but I have made a solid effort! Still a few days left!!!

  9. Thank you for all of these posts, there is so much value here! I finished my rough draft this month. I am taking 2 weeks to not look at it and then start revising and editing with a fresh set of eyes. I will definitely be returning to these posts for inspiration.

  10. The challenge was certainly that lol overcame a lot of obstacles and proud to say I have accomplished a lot!! Thank you again Becky!

  11. Thanks for the list of links. Very useful post.

  12. Thanks for the resource list. I will keep it handy!
